Text, Label, Building, Housing, Art, Document, Id Cards, Graphics, Stay home campaign Greece, Greek coronavirus message, house isolation concept, coronavirus hashtag in Greek, prevent covid-19 spread, campaign against covid-19, disease, epidemic, health, illustration, infection, virus isolation period, safety message, health precaution, coronavirus quarantine, crisis, pandemic protection, alert, attention, bacteria, biohazard world outbreak, caution, contagion, contamination, danger, deadly, global, hazard, illness, infected, information, notice, outbreak, prevention, quarantine, respiratory syndrome, risk, safety, severe diseases, sickness, transmitted viruses, virus, warning, global danger, microorganism, infectious agent, good fortune, prosperity, impurity, septic, sagacity, jeopardy, statement, contagious disease, wisdom, difficulty, chance, ill health, announcement, separation, situation, care, readiness, fortune, isolation, wellbeing, informing, judiciousness, hindrance, know-how, example, luck
Stay Home coronavirus campaign icon concept with hashtag in Greek. Illustration for house isolation to prevent COVID-19 spread, with house image and Hellenic flag background.