Cocktail, Beverage, Alcohol, Plant, Food, Fruit, Citrus Fruit, Burger, Produce, Lime, Liquor, Grapefruit, Mojito, Sweets, Confectionery, Pomegranate, Gimlet, tequila, cocktail, juice, ice, drink, vodka, rum, gin, Mocktail, alcohol, glass, beverage, light, liquid, flavor, taste, consumption, festivity, celebration, gourmet, tasting, saturated, portion, Buffet, dinner, refreshing, holiday, feast, food, nonalcoholic, low alcoholic, brunch, party, Cooled, refrigerated, Chilled, freshly, Binge, citrus, organic, Aperitif, soft drink, Drinking, Potation, booze, gathering, tone, liquor, produce, sample, furnishing, indulgence, liking, mixed drink, person, vacation, time off, draught, bracing, edible fruit, social gathering, social event, newly, furniture, uptake, banquet, component, leisure, gimlet, buffet, helping, diversion, fruit, gratification, fertilizer, drinking, spirit, satisfaction, intake, plant part, meal, crystal, fresh, aperitif, example, preference
Pomegranate Gimlet - a gin based cocktail with lime juice, gin can be replaced with vodka.