Food, Flour, Powder, Bowl, Creme, Dessert, Ice Cream, Cream, Egg, batter, blend, bowl, bread, breakfast, cakes, clear, close-up, combine, confection, container, cook, diet, dish, dough, eats, egs, fixing, flapjack, flour, food, grub, hotcake, ingredients, kitchen, making, meal, mixing, nutrients, nutrition, pancakes, pastries, plastic, prepare, raw, recipe, rubber, snack, spatula, stirring, sweet, thickening, tool, uncooked, unprepared, utensil, viscous, wheat, white, wood, repair, pancake, agitation, baked goods, ballplayer, dainty, direction, sticky, player, tableware, pastry, slugger, combining, worker, turner, machine, farm machine, kitchen utensil, skilled worker, union, concoction, bite, improvement, cooking utensil, mix, sustenance, herb, formula, fare, plant, combination, factor, component, cereal, chow, ware, gluey, photograph, room, hitter, harvester, athlete, nakedness, element, person, starches, qualification, fitness, cake, grass
Close up of an egg and white flour batter in a mixing bowl