Burrito, Bread, Creme, Dessert, Ice Cream, Cream, Pancake, Tortilla, Dish, Meal, appetizing, baked, bread, breakfast, burritos, cheese, chilis, cooking, cuisine, delicious, diet, dinner, dish, eat, edible, fajita, fast, fiber, filled, food, fresh, fried, gastronomy, gluten, grilled, healthy, heavy, homemade, hot, hungry, ingredients, lunch, meal, organic, peppers, plain, prepared, plate, portion, spicy, stuffed, tasty, tortilla, traditional, two, warm, wheat, white, wrap, yellow, performer, dairy product, pancake, baked goods, vine, plant, eating apple, tableware, self-denial, protein, clothing, apple, flatware, cloak, actor, field, 2, edible fruit, starches, new, comestible, molecule, fare, pepper, herb, factor, component, entertainer, fruit, cereal, fertilizer, chili, ware, pome, novel, burrito, plant part, piquant, element, person, produce, cake, macromolecule, grass
Single bite taken out of one of a pair of egg burritos