Large $75

5472x3648 px | 18.2"x12.2" @ 300dpi


Human, Clinic, Doctor, Surgeon, Face, People, Operating Theatre, Hospital, corona, virus, coronavirus, global, pandemic, epidemic, crisis, people, infrared thermometer, flu, fever, illness, glove, mask, medical, cover, protection, precaution, dark, horror, shadow, senior, man, young, adult, measuring, health, healthy, indoors, professional, employee, security, diagnosis, fear, afraid, facial, expression, turkey, curfew, stay home, quarantine, infection, spread, equipment, doctor, body temperature, symptom, detection, test, outbreak, checkup, nerve, nervous tissue, radiance, student, fright, determination, infectious agent, respiratory disease, domestic fowl, disguise, collegian, caution, measurement, clothing, wellbeing, judiciousness, prosperity, microorganism, light, darkness, trial, good fortune, age group, aureole, disparity, investigation, safety, undergraduate, attire, sagacity, contagious disease, bird, discovery, perception, gallinaceous bird, animal, handwear, sickness, cranial nerve, health professional, blanket, worker, gap, difficulty, countenance, ill health, separation, grownup, know-how, fortune, difference, deadline, care, influenza, physician, wisdom, male, attempt, look, designation, isolation, inside, work, appearance, disease, face, youth, person, inequality, medical practitioner, enrollee, fiber bundle, situation, scene, sensing, bedclothes


Senior man measuring a young adults body temperature with infrared thermometer to test if he has coronavirus

  • ID: 5e8f7c91ff00fb6ad287aac1
  • Original Size: 5472 x 3648px
  • Original File Size: 4.40 MB
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: April 9, 2020
  • Permission: Yes
  • Releases Uploaded: 1
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes