Fried Chicken, Nuggets, Fries, appetizers, background, batter, bite-size, breaded, brown, calories, cheddar, chicken, chips, chunks, close, combo, cooked, crispy, crumbs, crunchy, delicious, dinner, eat, fast, fattening, flavoring, food, fried, golden, greasy, heap, indoors, ingredient, junk, lunch, meal, meat, nobody, nuggets, portion, poultry, ridges, salted, satisfying, snack, spicy, takeout, tasty, temptation, tender, treat, unhealthy, wavy, clod, domestic fowl, apple, chunk, ballplayer, village, influence, commoner, eating apple, player, debris, self-denial, slugger, dainty, worker, calorie, settlement, bit, musical organization, end, gold, jazz band, flavorer, bite, inside, rotter, convenience food, fragment, pile, animal, factor, dance band, hunk, waste, bird, determinant, ball, gallinaceous bird, agglomeration, assistant, component, lump, appetizer, produce, cipher, course, rubbish, dust, ridge, attendant, pome, edible fruit, crisp, hitter, plant part, nugget, work unit, athlete, batch, cognitive factor, element, person, fruit, mass, oily, piquant
Four chicken nuggets and two stacks of potato chips