Food, Meal, Plant, Produce, Vegetable, Bowl, Bean, Lentil, Curry, American, appetizing, beans, black, calories, casserole, cheese, chiles, cilantro, closeup, cooked, creamy, cuisine, delicious, diet, dinner, eat, eggs, fatty, food, fried, heavy, huge, large, Latin, lunch, meal, Mexican, oil, peppers, plate, poblano, portion, recipe, rellenos, rice, roasted, salt, sauce, serving, southwestern, specialty, spicy, stuffed, supper, tasty, traditional, unhealthy, vegetarian, yummy, gamete, dairy product, performer, mexican, macromolecule, condiment, vine, pepper, eating apple, flatware, tableware, dish, component, calorie, egg, apple, strength, piquant, ovum, district, legume, flavorer, cooking, middle english, immense, actor, cell, forte, edible fruit, asset, italic, herb, vegetable, formula, ware, ingredient, fare, indo-european, direction, latin, lipid, starches, eater, molecule, photograph, helping, pome, bean, produce, chile, american english, vast, west germanic, coriander, south american country, germanic, plant part, work unit, delectable, person, fruit, grain, plant, english, entertainer, consumer
Close up of a plate of chiles rellenos casserole