Food, Bread, Fruit, Dish, Meal, Confectionery, Sweets, appetizer, background, calories, cheese, chili, chip, cholesterol, closeup, crispy, crunchy, curvy, delicious, diet, dish, eat, fast, fat, flavor, food, fried, fry, heap, homemade, ingredient, junk, lunch, meal, oil, pile, potato, red, ripple, salty, sauce, slice, snack, spicy, spread, tasty, texture, thin, unhealthy, vegetable, juvenile, tone, macromolecule, wave, produce, eating apple, course, tableware, sterol, self-denial, dairy product, calorie, apple, ware, alcohol, flavorer, bite, lean, fruit, fragment, disparity, youngster, factor, crimson, edible fruit, rubbish, minor, fare, lipid, molecule, component, gap, steroid, child, dust, bit, difference, spirit, pome, kid, photograph, waste, crisp, plant part, work unit, batch, element, person, starches, inequality, mass, piquant, debris, condiment
Close up of a bowl of flavored potato chips