Appliance, Stove, Human, Gas Stove, appliance, background, cleaning, closeup, concept, cooking, culinary, danger, dinner, dirty, domestic, eat, electric, food, fry, gas, germs, health, homemade, hand, hot, ingredient, kitchen, knob, lunch, meal, metal, nutrition, off, oven, pan, portion, preparation, prepare, process, recipe, scrub, simple, skillet, sponge, steel, stove, supper, taste, turning, warm, water, juvenile, projection, wellbeing, child, direction, sustenance, absorbent material, worker, liking, change of direction, unclean, prosperity, home appliance, kitchen utensil, turn, frying pan, improvement, cooking utensil, bush, wheeled vehicle, youngster, factor, formula, inspiration, durables, kitchen appliance, vegetation, plant, mixture, forth, herb, gadget, vehicle, component, photograph, good fortune, minor, contrivance, motor vehicle, change of course, fortune, kid, training, soiled, room, servant, car, utensil, element, person, sorbent, alloy, preference
Woman scrubbing a stove with a cleaning sponge