Human, Hand, Finger, Bowl, Sweets, Food, Confectionery, bowl, cake, cooking, cream, egg, food, ingredient, kitchen, preparation, whisk, background, recipe, white, mix, mixing, dough, fresh, homemade, slow, motion, video, full, 1080p, film, HD, slow motion, 1080, slowmo dj, fullhd, 1920x1080, slowmo, slowmotion, baking, hand, utensil, whip, pastry, healthy, meal, yolk, raw, yellow, bakery, chef, tool, dessert, eat, glass, flour, bread, shop, gamete, show, baked goods, egg yolk, course, phase of the moon, kitchen utensil, ovum, skilled worker, TV, movie, cell, slowly, factor, social event, new, full moon, picture, direction, medium, telecommunication, combination, component, upper class, worker, training, formula, cook, elite, class, television, novel, room, motion picture, appearance, mixer, element, person, starches, broadcasting, phase, workplace, concoction, nakedness
Girl's hand breaking a fresh natural egg into a glass bowl on a table with flour. Slow motion, Full HD video, 240fps, 1080p. Step by step homemade dough preparation.