Person, Flour, Food, Powder, Bowl, Dough, dough, food, homemade, hand, ingredient, knead, flour, bakery, process, kitchen, bake, cook, pastry, baker, preparation, chef, kneading, pie, pizza, fresh, wheat, cuisine, eating, slow, motion, video, full, 1080p, film, HD, slow motion, 1080, slowmo dj, fullhd, 1920x1080, slowmo, powder, raw, cake, white, cookie, elastic, pasta, culinary, domestic, traditional, nutrition, woman, confectioner, recipe, shop, full moon, cooking, nakedness, show, baked goods, direction, sustenance, dish, businessperson, strip, worker, phase of the moon, feeding, consumption, skilled worker, TV, movie, creator, rubber band, slowly, factor, social event, new, merchant, picture, plant, medium, telecommunication, herb, component, training, band, adult, cereal, formula, television, novel, elastic device, room, servant, motion picture, appearance, element, person, broadcasting, phase, workplace, concoction, grass, maker
Step by step process of preparation homemade dough for pasta. Girl's hands knead natural products for dough on a kitchen table. Slow motion, Full HD video, 240fps, 1080p.