
access, adult, anxiety, authority, body, body temperature, cautious, citizen, contagion, control, cop, coronavirus, covid, covid-19, customer, dad, distancing, experience, face mask, family, fear, few, food market, glove, grocery, health, infrared, job, line, man, mark, pandemic, path, people, police, police officer, precaution, prevention, protocol, public, queue, risk, rule, scan, scanner, shopping, social distance, spread, sterile, surgical face mask, symptom, test, thermal, virus, office, course, reviewer, law enforcement agency, father, disparity, investigation, practice, ill health, world, difference, fortune, policeman, inequality, force, national, psychological state, power, expert, populace, pattern, jeopardy, score, bureau, evaluation, infrared emission, difficulty, formation, care, male, acquiring, trial, microorganism, epidemic, weather, market, grocery store, direction, convention, lawman, handwear, upper class, gap, know-how, bull, elite, buying, work, judiciousness, contagious disease, problem, daddy, appraisal, marketplace, illness, fright, infectious agent, household, good fortune, critic, caution, education, clothing, parent, prosperity, person, agency, outbreak, way of life, papa, hazard, evaluator, wisdom, timid, class, purchase, attempt, wellbeing, disease, sagacity, hindrance, grownup, consumer, wind


Cremona, Lombardy, Italy - 13 th may 2020 - Local police officer measuring adult  man and son body temperature with infrared thermometer scanner while in line to access open food market


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