Meal, Food, Dish, Vegetable, Rice, Produce, appetizer, Asian, background, Chinese, cholesterol, close-up, colorful, cooked, course, cuisine, culture, delicious, diet, dining, dinner, dish, eat, egg, ethnic, fast, food, gourmet, grilled, healthy, hot, ingredient, lunch, meal, mixed, nutrition, onions, oriental, portion, prepared, quick, ready, recipe, red, restaurant, rice, savory, scallions, serving, spicy, stir, stir-fried, tasty, traditional, vegetarian, yellow, gamete, apple, chinese, direction, sinitic, sustenance, society, tableware, sterol, asian, eating apple, herb, education, disturbance, alcohol, consumption, alliaceous plant, cooking, commotion, cell, edible fruit, factor, crimson, stalk, leek, fare, plant, eating, starches, eater, component, photograph, helping, produce, flurry, steroid, bustle, formula, bulb, ware, class, pome, ovum, building, readiness, liliaceous plant, onion, plant part, piquant, sino-tibetan, element, person, fruit, grain, self-denial, consumer, bulbous plant
Close up of a large plate of Asian fried rice