Cooking Batter, Dip, Breakfast, appetizer, Arabian, basil, beans, bowl, chickpea, chick-pea, cooking, cuisine, delicious, diabetic, diet, dinner, dip, dish, fingerfood, food, fresh, garbanzo, garlic, glycemic, Greek, green, healthy, herbs, hummus, Lebanese, legume, lunch, meal, Mediterranean, natural, nutrition, oil, olive, organic, party, restaurant, rustic, sauce, served, snack, spread, summer, supper, tahini, tasty, traditional, vegan, vegetable, broccoli, crucifer, macromolecule, saddle horse, mediterranean, commoner, sustenance, achiever, tableware, inequality, decrease, sea, eating apple, pod, apple, horse, ware, alliaceous plant, flavorer, bite, fruit, greek, disparity, edible fruit, animal, season, new, ingredient, fare, indo-european, plant, lipid, lebanese, herb, eater, molecule, gap, vine, pome, bean, produce, course, fertilizer, sick person, difference, building, arabian, liliaceous plant, novel, equine, plant part, consumer, vegetarian, drop, climber, person, magnitude, mammal, condiment, bulbous plant
Close up of hummus spread and a broccoli stalk