Bowl, Plant, Pasta, Noodle, Food, Produce, Sprout, Vegetable, Vermicelli, Bean Sprout, Dish, Meal, bowl, broccoli, cheap, close-up, convenience, cooked, corn, cuisine, culture, delicious, diet, dinner, dish, eat, fast, fat, flour, food, gourmet, grain, handmade, homemade, hot, ingredient, instant, junk, kitchen, length, lunch, meal, noodles, nutrients, nutrition, oriental, pasta, plain, quick, ramen, recipe, rustic, snacks, soup, spicy, tasty, thin, traditional, unhealthy, vertical, wheat, white, whole, inexpensive, macromolecule, direction, produce, sustenance, society, tableware, debris, self-denial, eating apple, apple, bite, cooking, lean, field, edible fruit, factor, formula, waste, molecule, fare, plant, dust, lipid, herb, gadget, component, pome, fruit, contrivance, cereal, atom, ware, photograph, noodle, rubbish, room, plant part, piquant, commoner, crucifer, appliance, element, person, magnitude, grass, dimension
Close up of a serving of spicy ramen broccoli and corn soup