Food, Vegetable, Rice, Dish, Meal, appealing, appetizer, background, boiled, calories, carbs, chilis, cooked, course, cuisine, culture, diced, diet, delicious, dinner, dish, eating, fit, food, freshness, gourmet, grain, guacamole, healthy, heavy, hot, ingredients, light, lunch, meal, nutrients, nutrition, nutritious, organic, peppers, plate, prepared, rice, scoop, seasoned, serving, snack, specialty, spicy, supper, sustenance, tasty, vegetable, vertical spicy, alimentary, performer, apple, condiment, vine, plant, society, tableware, component, calorie, education, feeding, consumption, flavorer, support, cooking, novelty, actor, forte, edible fruit, asset, factor, strength, ingredient, fare, pepper, starches, bite, eating apple, veteran, helping, pome, fruit, flatware, atom, fertilizer, chili, ware, class, resource, plant part, work unit, element, person, produce, piquant, entertainer, dip
Spicy rice flavored with diced hatch chilis on a plate with a scoop of guacamole