Creme, Dessert, Ice Cream, Food, Cream, Confectionery, Sweets, Plant, Sliced, Mixing Bowl, agriculture, antioxidant, appetizer, background, bowl, cabbage, carrots, chopped, close-up, cold, delicious, detox, diet, dining, diner, dinner, dressing, eating, flavor, food, fresh, freshness, garden, gourmet, green, grub, healthy, ingredient, lunch, meal, natural, nourishment, nutrition, nutritious, organic, plant, prepared, ranch, raw, ripe, salad, simple, snack, sustenance, variation, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian, vitamins, alimentary, cruciferous vegetable, tone, apple, nakedness, transaction, achiever, carrot, dish, eating apple, work, low temperature, spread, plot, feeding, temperature, consumption, support, novelty, coldness, farm, cultivation, edible fruit, treatment, factor, new, farming, fare, herb, eater, bite, component, vitamin, pome, produce, course, fertilizer, ward, spirit, production, care, commerce, photograph, novel, resource, plant part, root, industry, housing, element, person, fruit, workplace, medical care, chow, inhibitor, consumer
Simple lettuce, cabbage, and carrot salad topped with ranch dressing