Accessory, Sunglasses, Footwear, Clothing, Shoe, Apparel, Costume, Crowd, Mascot, Vacation, Female, Pants, Girl, People, Pedestrian, Blakans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dan nezavisnosti, Independence Day, Oslobodenje Alija Izetbegovic Square, Sarajevo, celebration, character, cheerful, child, childhood, concept, costume, cute, day, decorative, education, europe, female, fun, girl, hand, happy, holding, human, independence, kid, male, mascot, nation, park wolf, patriotic, people, person, portrait, smiling, square, street, symbol, vucko, winter, commonwealth, juvenile, instruction, cosmetic, clothing, discipline, city, landmass, district, humanistic discipline, acting, state, role, youngster, statement, attire, social event, smile, minor, facial expression, road, someone, performing arts, twenty-four hours, season, urban area, diversion, time of life, grin, freedom, rectangle, grinning, sarajevo, gesture