Person, Sitting, Couch, Furniture, Clothing, Apparel, Shelf, Cushion, Home Decor, Finger, LCD Screen, Monitor, Screen, Electronics, Display, Sleeve, TV, TV set, adult, alone, beer, bottle, caucasian, cinema, communication, concentrated, concept, copy space, couch, depressed, depression, drink, emotion, emotional, face, film, home, indoor, leisure, lifestyle, looking, male, man, media, melancholy, movie, news, people, person, portrait, relax, relaxation, sad, sadness, screen, sit, sitting, sofa, spectator, television, televisor, thoughtful, troubled, unhappiness, unhappy, watching, sensory activity, show, tidings, rest, seat, medium, furnishing, psychological state, time off, witness, alcohol, exclusively, beverage, statement, social event, picture, life style, someone, telecommunication, food, looking at, repose, furniture, word, observation, look, sensing, motion picture, cover, broadcasting, perceiver, brew, grownup, solely
An adult man, alone, watches television, looking sad, sitting on a couch, with a bottle of beer in the hand. He watches a sad movie or listens to bad news that makes him a little unhappy and depressed