Medication, Capsule, acetylsalicylic acid, antibiotic, antibiotics, antidepressants, aspirin, assortment, background, blister, capsule, capsules, care, close, closeup, cure, dose, drug, drugs, heal, health, healthcare, hospital, illness, macro, medical, medication, medicine, pack, package, pain, painkiller, painkillers, pharmaceutical, pharmacy, pil, pill, pills, pils, plastic, prescription, remedy, tablet, treatment, vitamin, white, pi, ls, colored, tablets, detective, shop, portable computer, antidepressant, sac, communication, private detective, good fortune, packet, anti-inflammatory, computer, battalion, discipline, medical building, salicylate, end, expert, personal computer, cavity, life science, machine, investigation, drugstore, prosperity, direction, liter, sickness, food, attention, vesicle, antibacterial, ill health, analgesic, metric capacity unit, bundle, symptom, building, photograph, fortune, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, investigator, private eye, science, work, wellbeing, magnified, person, medical science, salt, dosage, checkup
Many colored pi;ls, tablets and capsuls for pharmacy and medicine