Art, Statue, Head, Bird, Animal, Drawing, Torso, Sketch, Photography, Photo, Portrait, Face, young slave, young, boy, slave, prisoner, sculpture, statue, model, figure, marble, stone, anatomy, human, nude, male, man, naked, body, icon, attraction, famous, historic, history, ancient, classic, beautiful, renaissance, art, artwork, masterpiece, fine art, galleria dell'accademia, museum, gallery, galleria, academy, accademia, exhibition, hall, exhibiting, display, showcase, michelangelo, florence, firenze, tuscany, italy, italian, europe, European, celebrated, facility, hallway, image, veranda, secondary school, bare, historic period, human body, force, work, age group, educational institution, city, landmass, district, italian region, demonstration, show, passage, environment, graphic art, state, setting, european country, corridor, arthropod genus, presentation, frame, european, picture, someone, male child, porch, flesh, urban area, diversion, adult, passageway, school, genus, painting, entertainment, youth, person, era, historical, rock, situation, famed
Florence, Italy - October 2019: The marble statue of Young Slave by Michelangelo exhibited at the Hall of the Prisoners in the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze (Gallery of the Academy of Florence)