Appliance, Dryer, Computer, Mouse, Electronics, Hardware, laundry, basket, washing machine, washing, white, porthole, household appliance, cleaning, chores, empty, open, clean, machine, appliance, door, wash, home, room, lifestyle, technology, clothes, dry, domestic, electrical, modern, indoors, laundromat, clothing, interior, equipment, house, cleaner, housekeeping, plastic, washer, floor, housework, hygiene, machinery, circle, design, industry, parquet, wooden, sunny, day, duty, chore, set, dwelling, profession, engineering, formulation, cleansing agent, port, twenty-four hours, housing, outside, improvement, application, drygoods, sanitariness, life style, barrier, opening, gadget, worker, band, job, contrivance, cheery, building, task, servant, inside, work, person, launderette, workplace, outdoors, apparel
a washing machine with the door open and a small plastic basket to hold the freshly washed laundry. Interior of a house. Household chores and cleaning of clothes.