Electronics, Hardware, Server, Camera, Computer Hardware, television, digital, electronic, audio, connection, video, panel, metal, computer, modern, technology, jack, coaxial, black, cable, equipment, output, plug, input, signal, sound, monitor, scart, architecture, design, communication, component, concrete, analog, attach, definition, high, back, designer, entertainment, layout, lcd, multimedia, network, rear, scan, service, tv, analogical, av, data, system, electronics, electrical, control, comment, ab, supervisor, specialist, profession, sign, engineering, interior designer, analogue, jewish calendar month, discipline, superior, sheet, power, expert, application, TV, machine, production, statement, employee, leader, electronic device, building, medium, proctor, telecommunication, conductor, explanation, calendar month, worker, building material, diversion, formation, paving, decorator, digital display, commerce, remark, transaction, laborer, blockage, industry, workman, work, investigation, yield, person, portion, broadcasting, liquid crystal display, science, transmission, physics, display
Rear panel of a television with sockets for audio / video, scart connections and for rgb video input for the monitor. Technology and connections between devices