Human, Apparel, Clothing, Shorts, Footwear, Shoe, Pump, Gas Pump, Machine, Accessory, Accessories, Handbag, Bag, Female, Purse, Woman, Girl, caucasian, covid-19, face, female, lifestyle, mask, outbreak, outdoors, pandemic, using, virus, woman, protection, protective, quarantine, care, health, contagious, street, prevent, prevention, cover, infection, safety, friend, teenager, coronavirus, epidemic, girl, spread, corona, people, pollution, protect, wear, avoid, isolation, wearing, young, parking, park, machine, downtown, city, center, juvenile, radiance, aureole, infectious agent, life style, disguise, catching, age group, microorganism, prosperity, impurity, district, person, good fortune, clothing, disparity, outside, attire, blanket, metropolis, urban area, attention, gap, ill health, adult, separation, difference, room, fortune, adolescent, city district, light, work, wellbeing, youth, environmental condition, inequality, hindrance, urban center, bedclothes, road
Young women girls buying parking ticket using park machine. Girl wearing face mask to avoid virus infection and to prevent the spread of disease in time of coronavirus