Food, Birthday Cake, Cake, Dessert, Vegetable, Carrot, Sweets, Confectionery, Creme, Cream, Icing, appetizing, background, bake, brown, cake, calories, carrot, carrotcake, cheese, cooking, cream, cut, decoration, delicious, icing, dessert, easter, fattening, food, fresh, frosting, gourmet, healthy, homemade, meal, nutrition, nutritious, orange, pastry, pie, piece, plate, portion, recipe, refreshment, rustic, slice, sliced, snack, sugar, sweet, tasty, top, treat, unhealthy, vegetable, walnut, white, alimentary, sweetening, dairy product, apple, baked goods, nut, edible nut, produce, sustenance, course, tableware, seed, dough, dainty, calorie, ware, concoction, bite, freeze, day, cooling, edible fruit, new, garnish, ingredient, holiday, topping, upper class, frost, component, pome, fruit, commoner, flatware, formula, eating apple, elite, class, novel, plant part, work unit, person, movable feast, flavorer, direction, root
Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and little carrots on top