Person, Standing, Clothing, Apparel, Shorts, Female, Dating, Accessories, Accessory, Sunglasses, People, Woman, Photography, Photo, Girl, Face, Walking, Vacation, Portrait, Teen, beach, woman, vacation, river, Petersburg, coast, Gulf of Finland, destination, enjoying, enjoyment, Russia, freedom, girl, happy, holiday, leisure, lifestyle, outdoor, people, sand, seaside, travel, tropical, water, slim, glamour, brunette, fashion, ocean, posing, sexy, destinations, feet, idyllic, lagoon, nature, paradise, tourism, tranquil, white, blue, island, lady, relaxing, shore, tourist, young, stream, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, soil, lake, seashore, traveler, earth, age group, time off, end, district, soviet union, outside, petersburg, calm, life style, finish, sitting, urban area, USSR, adult, foot, town, eden, Soviet Union, appearance, slender, youth, person, mode, glamor, pleasure