Food, Pita, Sweets, Confectionery, Bun, Pastry, Dessert, beans, bread, breakfast, burnt, burritos, cheese, cooked, cuisine, delicious, diet, dinner, dish, disposable, eat, edible, environment, fast, fiber, filled, food, fork, fresh, gastronomy, gourmet, grub, homemade, hot, hungry, ingredients, Latin, lunch, meal, Mexican, overcooked, pair, paper, plate, portion, prepared, Spanish, spicy, stuffed, tasty, tortilla, traditional, two, warm, wheat, white, wrap, newspaper, set, mexican, pancake, item, baked goods, eating apple, tableware, medium, self-denial, spanish, dairy product, print media, clothing, apple, flatware, legume, cooking, cloak, romance, 2, edible fruit, italic, starches, vegetable, new, comestible, fare, indo-european, plant, latin, herb, factor, component, pome, bean, produce, cereal, press, ware, novel, burrito, plant part, piquant, cutlery, element, person, fruit, chow, cake, grass
Two overcooked bean and cheese burritos on a black paper plate with a white disposable fork