Apparel, Rug, Food, assorted, assortment, backdrop, background, bath, bathroom, bath-time, black, care, chore, clean, closeup, close-up, cloth, cloths, colorful, colors, cotton, daily, dirty, domestic, dropped, dry, fabric, floor, grooming, home, horizontal, house, household, indoors, inside, irresponsible, laundry, left, lifestyle, linen, living, modern, rags, routine, selection, shower, soft, used, wash, washcloths, washrags, yellow, duty, rag, washcloth, dwelling, family, toilet, job, fixture, direction, decoration, lavatory, fiber, design, clothing, unclean, life style, housing, textile, drygoods, interior, john, scenery, life, medium, emblem, attention, worker, piece of cloth, plumbing fixture, choice, flag, task, press, washing, tub, bath linen, photograph, building, training, piece, soiled, room, servant, work, stage set, experience, print media, person, newspaper, bathtub, procedure
Close up of dirty yellow and black towels and colorful wash cloths on the floor