Appliance, Washing, appliance, assortment, automatic, backdrop, background, blue, chore, cleaning, cloth, clothes, clothing, colorful, colors, convenience, domestic, electric, fabric, filling, flow, flowing, garments, gray, grey, home, horizontal, house, housekeeping, housework, indoors, inside, launder, laundry, lifestyle, living, machine, modern, open, partially, pink, pouring, responsibility, routine, textile, vibrant, vivid, wash, washing, water, white, work, duty, dwelling, autoloader, job, direction, firearm, decoration, design, vivacious, drygoods, emblem, machine gun, automatic rifle, life style, lifelike, housing, outside, improvement, wheeled vehicle, vehicle, interior, scenery, life, partly, gadget, automatic firearm, worker, social control, flag, graphic, contrivance, gun, motor vehicle, obligation, building, task, servant, car, stage set, experience, person, outdoors, apparel, weapon, procedure
Water pouring into a washing machine partially filled with vibrant pink, grey, and blue clothes