Clothing, Apparel, Origami, Art, Home Decor, Pants, Jeans, Denim, Slate, Dress, backdrop, background, balled-up, blue, cover, covering, crumpled, damage, disaster, emergency, flat, flexible, home, horizontal, house, household, indoors, inside, ledge, living, long, nobody, object, placed, platform, prepared, prevent, prevention, protect, protection, rack, sheet, shelf, shelving, storage, stored, strong, tarp, tarpaulin, utility, wadded, waterproof, water-resistant, weather, white, wood, wooden, harm, dwelling, family, life, commoner, piece of paper, juncture, paper, crisis, retention, canvas, apartment, ridge, fabric, service, housing, writing, program, interior, document, blanket, scenery, direction, company, misfortune, framework, stage set, cipher, sheet of paper, tragedy, trouble, catastrophe, supporting structure, building, experience, bedclothes, person, calamity, hindrance, water-repellent, support