Person, Human, Hand, Nail, accessory, albino, appearance, apply, backdrop, background, beauty, blue, cap, care, color, container, cosmetics, cosmetology, eye, eyeliner, face, fashion, female, feminine, femininity, girl, glamorous, glamour, horizontal, human, indoors, inside, lady, liner, looks, makeup, morning, person, prep, preparation, prepare, preparing, ready, removing, ritual, routine, skin, skincare, style, stylish, vanity, vogue, wear, woman, taste, grammatical category, cosmetic, supplement, touch, hit, clothing, skin care, fashionable, school assignment, custom, interior, rite, pride, anomaly, homework, scenery, fly, direction, someone, toiletry, glamor, assignment, survival, practice, component, stage set, adult, class, continuance, readiness, training, amour propre, look, undertaking, work, countenance, mode, attention, gender, expression, procedure
Woman removing the cap from blue eyeliner that she is ready to use