Aluminium, Plant, Foil, Meal, Produce, Dinner, Supper, backdrop, background, bell, carryout, chicken, chow, cooked, cuisine, diet, dietary, dine, dinner, dish, eat-out, eats, fajita, fare, food, fork, fresh, gourmet, grub, health, healthy, ingredients, jalapenos, lunch, meal, meat, nourishment, nutrients, nutrition, nutritious, onions, peppers, plastic, prepared, protein, red, restaurant, roasted, serving, social distancing, stir-fried, supper, sustenance, takeout, tin, vertical, alimentary, scenery, domestic fowl, macromolecule, vine, direction, tableware, fortune, prosperity, shrub, menu, support, cooking, cayenne, convenience food, woody plant, animal, factor, crimson, new, bird, plant, gallinaceous bird, component, molecule, good fortune, helping, stage set, plan, bulb, ware, signaling device, building, novel, resource, acoustic device, onion, plant part, capsicum, wellbeing, cutlery, element, pepper, person, stalk, agenda
Stir fried chicken in a serving tin with jalapenos, roasted green bell peppers, roasted onions, and roasted red peppers