Person, Human, Broccoli, Vegetable, Food, backdrop, background, broccoli, calcium, chow, crown, culinary, delicious, diet, dinner, female, fiber, folate, food, fresh, girl, green, health, healthy, hand, holding, horizontal, human, ingredient, iron, lady, lifestyle, lunch, manganese, meal, nourishment, nutrients, nutrition, nutritious, organic, paper, person, potassium, prep, preparation, prepare, preparing, produce, supper, sustenance, towel, vegetable, wet, wiping, woman, alimentary, scenery, work, apple, wetness, direction, press, medium, b-complex vitamin, print media, life style, prosperity, fabric, good fortune, support, school assignment, assignment, edible fruit, moisture, factor, new, crest, homework, fare, plant, someone, herb, vitamin bc, component, vitamin, piece of cloth, pome, stage set, fruit, peak, fertilizer, fortune, eating apple, training, novel, resource, plant part, undertaking, crucifer, wellbeing, element, newspaper, piece, water-soluble vitamin, adult
Woman's hands wiping down a wet, fresh crown of broccoli with a paper towel