Person, Human, Heel, Hand, Plastic Wrap, Finger, Arm, Bag, backdrop, background, boneless, breast, chicken, chow, cooking, culinary, diet, dinner, eats, edible, fare, female, fillet, flesh, food, frozen, girl, grocery, grub, health, healthy, human, ingredient, lady, lifestyle, lunch, meal, meat, nourishment, nutrients, nutrition, nutritious, opening, organic, package, person, plastic, prep, preparation, prepare, preparing, protein, raw, supper, sustenance, uncooked, vertical, woman, alimentary, scenery, marketplace, macromolecule, nakedness, frame, life style, packet, initiative, human body, market, prosperity, cut, grocery store, menu, support, school assignment, assignment, first step, animal, factor, comestible, bird, homework, direction, someone, gallinaceous bird, molecule, component, bundle, good fortune, anatomy, stage set, adult, domestic fowl, fertilizer, fortune, beefsteak, training, resource, undertaking, work, wellbeing, element, body, agenda, steak, plan
Woman opening a freeze pack of a chicken breast with a knife