Fried Chicken, Dessert, Cake, Sweets, Confectionery, Nuggets, backdrop, background, boneless, breaded, calories, chicken, chow, cooked, cooking, course, crispy, crust, cuisine, delicious, diet, dietary, dinner, eats, entrée, fare, fingers, food, fresh, fried, golden, gourmet, grub, health, homemade, horizontal, hot, lifestyle, lunch, meal, meat, nourishment, nutrition, pan-fried, paper, plate, poultry, prepared, protein, strips, supper, sustenance, tongs, towel, unhealthy, wellness, scenery, domestic fowl, macromolecule, gold, print media, good fortune, demeanor, tableware, strip, eating apple, calorie, education, apple, life style, prosperity, fabric, menu, support, discourtesy, fortune, finger, animal, new, bird, direction, medium, gallinaceous bird, molecule, piece of cloth, pome, stage set, fruit, plan, flatware, press, crisp, ware, class, edible fruit, novel, resource, plant part, work unit, wellbeing, person, produce, agenda, newspaper, piece, insolence
Homemade fried chicken strips and cooking tongs on a paper towel