Meal, Food, Dish, Vegetable, Bowl, Ice Cream, Dessert, Cream, Creme, Produce, Dinner, Supper, Cauliflower, Noodle, Pasta, appetizing, backdrop, background, brown, chicken, chow, cooked, course, cuisine, culinary, delicious, diet, dietary, dish, dine, dinner, eat, eaten, eats, entrée, fare, food, gastronomy, gourmet, grub, health, healthy, heated, hot, horizontal, lunch, meal, meat, missing, nourishment, nutrients, nutrition, nutritious, pieces, plate, poultry, prepared, protein, roasted, supper, sustenance, tasty, warm, warmed, white, alimentary, scenery, domestic fowl, macromolecule, good fortune, tableware, education, apple, ware, menu, support, cooking, edible fruit, animal, bird, direction, gallinaceous bird, prosperity, molecule, pome, stage set, fruit, plan, flatware, fortune, eating apple, class, resource, plant part, wellbeing, person, produce, agenda, piece
Remains of roasted chicken bones and meat that have been eaten off of