assistance, attached, backdrop, background, boat, brick, bring, carry, cart, connect, drag, equipment, ferry, handle, handy, hardware, haul, heave, help, hoist, home, hookup, house, instrument, job, labor, lift, lug, material, metallic, outdoors, outside, part, plate, power, service, silver, steel, support, tighten, titanium, tow, trawl, tug, useful, vertical, wall, wench, work, yard, scenery, outdoor, dwelling, ceramic, lifting device, resistance, tableware, mixture, fishing line, girl, appendage, ware, fabric, propulsion, housing, sail, lugsail, elevator, mechanical phenomenon, wheeled vehicle, vehicle, dame, cord, draw, woman, transportation, pull, rise, piece of cloth, difficulty, stage set, craft, adult, flatware, direction, fore-and-aft sail, building, wagon, task, building material, undertaking, project, person, weaponry, alloy, aid, problem, piece
Wench attached to a boat parked in a yard