Human, Laundry, Appliance, Dryer, Dress, Clothing, Apparel, washing machine, cloths, laundry, loading, porthole, household appliance, chores, wipe, fabric, glass, door, tempered glass, technology, white, man, male, arm, hand, drum, washing machine drum, clothes, machine, washing, home, housework, chore, appliance, household, cleaning, hygiene, dirty, domestic, house, adult, indoor, equipment, routine, basket, work, lifestyle, wash, textile, putting, housekeeping, garment, open, everyday, electronic, plastic, homework, duty, load, golf stroke, family, mundane, profession, stroke, touch, dwelling, clothing, port, limb, unclean, putt, housing, rub, school assignment, improvement, application, percussion instrument, outside, sanitariness, maneuver, life style, barrier, opening, musical instrument, assignment, gadget, drygoods, worker, weight, cloth, job, contrivance, burden, soiled, building, task, servant, undertaking, engineering, person, contact, outdoors, apparel, grownup, procedure
A man loading dirty laundry into the washing machine through the open glass door. Home appliance and technology for the home. Household habits