Towel, Text, Paper Towel, Tissue, ultimate gray, color of the year, frequently asked questions, acronym, navigation, query, marketing, social, network, wooden blocks, abstract, letters, copy space, abbreviation, letter, no people, asked, discussion, idea, isolated, faqs, blocks, website, assistance, problem, background, cube, wooden, wood, sign, design, alphabet, internet, business, service, answer, ask, support, symbol, solution, frequently, communication, help, concept, word, faq, question, information, text, gathering, taste, culture, computer, business activity, employment, character set, orthography, script, web site, system, writing, machine, list, inquiry, seafaring, statement, social gathering, party, document, selling, merchandising, computer network, questioning, difficulty, reply, response, sociable, commerce, transaction, sailing, database, undertaking, signal, work, request, aid
Color of the year Ultimate Gray. Wooden blocks with the word FAQ - frequently asked questions. Instructions and rules on Internet sites.