Bike, Vehicle, Transportation, Wheel, Machine, Person, Human, Cyclist, Sport, Sports, Path, Outdoors, Water, Nature, Asphalt, Cycle, Cycling, above, active, bicycle, boy, casual, city, dad, dock, family, father, footpath, fun, harbour, horizontal, lane, leisure, lifestyle, line, marking, outdoor, outside, paint, parent, path, pathway, port, promenade, ride, road, sea, sign, son, sport, summer, together, top, urban, way, asphalt, household, coating, life style, walk, course, marker, writing, time off, cycling, district, travel, mark, symbol, platform, wheeled vehicle, vehicle, music, way of life, urban area, exercise, metropolis, male child, route, workout, papa, diversion, urban center, paving, child, pier, cycle, male offspring, daddy, seaport, harbor, signal, work, season, person, direction, male, amble, round
Santander, Spain - 13 September 2020: Father and son riding bicycles along the promenade by the sea. View from above.