Plant, Bird, Animal, Conifer, Pine, alive, animal, background, bark, biodiversity, biology, branch, conservation, creature, critter, day, ecology, environment, environmental, fauna, fur, furry, growth hairy, horizontal, jumping, leaping, limb, living, mammal, mammalogy, natural, nature, nuisance, out, organism, outdoors, outside, pest, rodent, scene, scenery, science, sky, squirrel, tail, tree, vegetation, vertebrate, warm-blooded, weather, wild, wilderness, wildlife, zoology, outdoor, nonuniformity, direction, life science, jump, achiever, skill, sport, discipline, annoyance, bottom, propulsion, seat, leap, improvement, stimulation, woody plant, tormentor, heterogeneity, transformation, division, life, twenty-four hours, gadfly, plant, failure, diversion, disfavor, difference, dissimilarity, rejection, diverseness, experience, person, furred, track and field, oppressor, situation
Squirrel leaping from one tree branch to another