Airfield, Truck, Vehicle, Transportation, Tarmac, Asphalt, Airliner, Airplane, Aircraft, Road Sign, Symbol, Sign, aircraft, airline, airliner, airplane, airport, arrival, aviation, business, cargo, commercial, departure, flight, fuel, industrial, industry, international, jet, journey, plane, runway, service, takeoff, tanker, technology, terminal, tourism, transport, transportation, travel, truck, load, running away, accomplishment, ad, facility, profession, engineering, wit, freight, escape, business activity, ship, caricature, end, tube, passage, airfield, application, wheeled vehicle, shipment, vehicle, cargo ship, economy, deviation, conduit, hose, managed economy, track, variation, craft, motor vehicle, difference, merchandise, bar, undertaking, work, non-market economy, socialism, oil tanker, promotion, parody
Hamburg, Germany - August 7, 2019: Tanker truck with aviation fuel at the runway of the airport.