Box, Cardboard, Carton, Package Delivery, Door, abode, apartment, architectural, architecture, backdrop, background, box, brick, bricks, brickwork, brown, building, cardboard, cement, communication, concepts, conceptual, concrete, container, day, deliver, delivery, door, front, ground, home, house, household, idea, labeled, letters, mail, mailbox, masonry, nobody, object, outdoor, outside, pavement, porch, post, receive, receptacle, residence, residential, red, step, vertical, wall, word, dwelling, family, taste, move, commoner, walk, culture, paper, earth, twenty-four hours, recovery, decision, edifice, packing material, crimson, scenery, maneuver, direction, ceramic, rescue, barrier, choice, building material, stage set, cipher, paving, address, path, berth, land, conception, person, sidewalk, housing
Cardboard box with the word MAIL written on it on a porch