Pecan, Nut, Food, Vegetable, Produce, Grain, Seed, appetizing, backdrop, background, ball, bread, burrito, cooking, cuisine, delicious, diet, dietary, dinner, dish, eat, edible, fast, fiber, filled, food, football, fresh, gastronomy, healthy, homemade, hot, hungry, ingredients, Latin, lunch, meal, Mexican, napkin, nuts, organic, pecan, plate, portion, prepared, Spanish, spicy, sports, stuffed, supper, tasty, tortilla, traditional, warm, wheat, wrap, scenery, mexican, pancake, baked goods, nut, eating apple, tableware, seed, self-denial, spanish, drygoods, sport, clothing, apple, flatware, athletic game, cloak, romance, wood, edible fruit, italic, starches, new, comestible, fare, indo-european, plant, latin, herb, factor, component, outdoor game, pome, diversion, fruit, game, cereal, fertilizer, ware, table linen, novel, plant part, piquant, field game, stage set, element, linen, produce, cake, grass, contact sport
Football next to a pecan covered burrito and a napkin