Animal, Anthus, Tree, Plant, Beak, Wren, Finch, Sparrow, alive, animal, aves, avian, beak, beauty, bill, biodiversity, biology, bird, birding, birdwatching, branch, brown, climate, cold, conservation, curious, day, ecology, environment, environmental, fauna, feathers, hermit, horizontal, life, limb, living, looking, nature, organism, ornithology, outdoors, outside, perch, science, season, seasonal, snow, songbird, thrush, vertebrate, warm-blooded, weather, wild, wildlife, wing, winter, zoology, sensory activity, outdoor, peculiar, fungal infection, loner, queer, writing, skill, passage, low temperature, discipline, twenty-four hours, mood, nonuniformity, support, direction, life science, improvement, feather, oscine, division, individualist, funny, candidiasis, infection, passerine, looking at, mouth, zymosis, difference, precipitation, class, temperature, orifice, heterogeneity, look, diverseness, document, experience, transformation, person, coldness, situation, pathologic process, dissimilarity, sensing
Curious hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus) looking around from its perch on a branch with snow in the background