Symbol, American Flag, american, us, flag, waving, wind, sky, united states of america, nobody, national, striped, star, red, blue, white, selective focus, usa flag, independence day, culture, concept, democracy, nation, object, pride, american flag, stripes, independence, country, government, background, banner, patriot, patriotism, freedom, america, usa, symbol, patriotic, forth of july, national flag, shape, glory, horizontal, flying, united states, Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, Star-Spangled Banner, Americanism, commonwealth, commoner, decoration, society, design, flight, fidelity, nationalism, subject, standing, district, travel, wizard, air travel, state, United States of America, republic, crimson, America, political system, indo-european, direction, adornment, emblem, U.S., United States, loyalty, wave, band, cipher, authorities, american english, west germanic, germanic, regime, expert, ace, polity, person, north american country, english, americanism, honor, gesture