
6-7 years, Ko Samui, adult, angle, arms raised, asia, balance, beard, body hair, brightly lit, caucasian ethnicity, childhood, close-up, cute, day time, everyday life, father and son, fedora hat, freedom, fun, handsome people, happiness, heat - temperature, island, joy, jumping, laughing, leisure activity, leisure games, lifestyles, love - emotion, males, non-urban scene, one parent, outdoors, people, playful, smiling, splashing, summer, togetherness, tropical climate, tropical pattern, two people, vibrant color, 30-34 years


Portrait of a man and his gallant elegant son in slim fit shirt, dark pants and fedora hat. Boy is jumping from dad's hands. They are both in water - wet, fooling around happily making splashes


Hello Summer

  • ID: 62e0deb242a7af6ec91bf038
  • Original Size: 4256 x 2832px
  • Original File Size: 6.00 MB
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: November 8, 2018
  • Permission: Yes
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes