Plant, Mint, Alcohol, Beverage, Cocktail, Citrus Fruit, Food, Fruit, Orange, Produce, Mojito, Cup, Disposable Cup, Berry, Blueberry, Grapefruit, Juice, Paloma, Pomegranate, margarita, tequila, rum, vodka, gin, lemonade, Aperitif, cocktail, juice, drink, alcohol, glass, beverage, liquid, flavor, taste, consumption, festivity, celebration, gourmet, saturated, transparent, portion, Buffet, dinner, refreshing, holiday, feast, food, party, Binge, Citrus, fruit, Fresh, Muddled, organic, non-alcoholic, Tonic, Mocktail, vegan, Sugar free, fruit tree, gathering, tone, liquor, plant, banquet, satisfaction, furnishing, indulgence, liking, crystalline, mixed drink, soft drink, fruit drink, woody plant, addled, vacation, time off, citrus, edible fruit, social gathering, social event, uptake, pomegranate, tonic, bracing, component, eater, leisure, buffet, diversion, gratification, new, fertilizer, spirit, furniture, intake, novel, plant part, consumer, vegetarian, tree, person, produce, fresh, aperitif, meal, preference
The cocktail is made from pomegranate and orange juice with tequila or gin, with the addition of tonic. Served in a glass with ice, orange slices with pomegranate and a sprig of mint. Cocktail recipe for any party.