Nature, Outdoors, Swamp, Water, Animal, Bear, Mammal, Wildlife, Plant, Vegetation, Jungle, Grove, Tree, Woodland, alive, animal, background, bayou, biodiversity, biology, brown, conservation, coypu, creature, critter, day, ecology, estuary, environment, environmental, fauna, forest, four, fur, herbivore, horizontal, invasive, life, living, mammal, natural, nature, nutria, organism, outdoors, outside, resting, rodent, scene, scenery, scenic, science, semi-aquatic, sticks, tail, vertebrate, warm-blooded, water, web-footed, whiskers, wild, wilderness, wildlife, zoology, outdoor, direction, lake, achiever, woods, skill, discipline, twenty-four hours, bottom, nonuniformity, seat, life science, improvement, wood, 4, heterogeneity, transformation, vegetation, beard, stick, disfavor, difference, dissimilarity, hair, rejection, diverseness, experience, person, amphibiotic, situation, facial hair
Four nutria (Myocastor coypus) resting on a bed of sticks between two trees in a lake overflow area, with one of the nutria looking up curiously