Lake, Nature, Outdoors, Animal, Bird, Flying, Boat, Sailboat, Transportation, Vehicle, Land, Waterfowl, Leisure Activities, Person, Sport, Swimming, Water Sports, Scenery, Weather, Reservoir, Eagle, Sea, Cormorant, animal, background, beak, bill, biodiversity, biology, bird, birdwatching, black, blue-eyed, branch, brown, canal, conservation, cormorant, delta, double-crested, ecology, ecotourism, environmental, estuary, fauna, feather, fish, fishing, harbor, lagoon, lake, marsh, nature, neck, oceanfront, organism, ornithology, outdoors, outside, plumage, pond, river, science, sea, seabird, sparkle, tourism, travel, water, waterfowl, wildlife, wings, zoology, outdoor, stream, division, duct, port, life, wetland, writing, skill, sport, seaport, discipline, liveliness, implementation, nonuniformity, life science, passage, environment, activeness, animation, heterogeneity, alluvial sediment, means, improvement, vitality, diversion, mouth, spark, difference, document, pool, orifice, commerce, transaction, aquatic bird, diverseness, aquatic vertebrate, appearance, countenance, outdoor sport, transformation, expression, light, pelecaniform seabird, situation, dissimilarity
Double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) rising from the water with a large fish